Allotment Rules and Bylaws

Mansewood Allotments Association


Plot Tenancy

  1. Only residents of the Glasgow City Council (GCC) area are eligible for a plot on Mansewood Allotments.

  2. The right to occupy and cultivate a particular plot is recorded in "Missives", The period of let is from the date of entry, or in the case of renewal of tenancy, from the P1 day of January in each year, till the 31st day of December following. Missives must be signed & paid for along with payment of the Annual Mansewood Allotments Association Subscription by 31st January current. Non-payment may result in eviction.

  3. A maximum of 2 names can be represented on a missive. The first named, who should also give their address and sign the missive, will be listed as the main plotholder. Any additional name may only be included with the approval of the committee. The second named person must prove commitment to and work the plot as an equal.

  4. Each plot-holder will be issued with a gate key subject to deposit paid (refundable on return of the key) or a gate lock code

  5. The main gate must not be left unlocked and unattended at any time

  6. No plot holder may sub-let their plot without permission and agreement of the committee.

  7. No person shall be a tenant of more than one plot at any time.

  8. Termination of Plot Tenancy can be requested by a plot-holder at any time in writing to the secretary.

  9. Termination of Plot Tenancy by the Association or GCC will follow where there is a failure to comply with Association and GCC Rules or a failure to maintain and cultivate the tenanted plot.

  10. The following will result in immediate termination of tenancy:

  • Theft of materials, produce, or money
  • Arson
  • Assault of another plot-holder

Association Membership

  1. An annual membership fee is required from each plot-holder. The sum of which will be set at each AGM and to be paid by 31st January current.

  2. Any member failing to pay Association Membership Fee will no longer be a member of Mansewood Allotments Association and therefore risk termination of tenancy.

  3. Each member is expected to contribute a minimum of 4 hours towards general maintenance and upkeep of site boundaries and paths, communal spaces and communal buildings. A list of jobs will be noted in the “Communal Jobs Dairy”, where members can enter time spent

Plot Maintenance

  1. Plot-holders are expected to achieve a good standard of cultivation, good maintenance of soil fertility and a generally well maintained plot throughout the year.

  2. Regular plot inspections by 2 committee members, in March, June, September (December) will be used to assess the state of any plot and whether further action is required to bring it up to standard. Where a plot is considered to be underperforming, the plot holder will be informed and action must be taken to improve the plot – if not the plot-holder risks expulsion from the Association & allotment. See separate sheet on 3 month trials & plot inspections

  3. If absent for a significant period, the plot-holder must notify the secretary and if possible arrange for someone to look after the plot – this person’s name and contact details must be passed to the secretary.

  4. Plot-holders must not allow rubbish to accumulate –. This includes use of materials used to suppress weeds such as carpet, weed suppressant mat, wood, metal & bricks.

  5. Each plot must have an area for composting.

  6. Plot-holders must not “dump” green waste (or other) on any part of the allotment site. If in doubt ask.

  7. No plot-holder shall cultivate their plot wholly or partly for the purpose of trading or market gardening. No sale of plot produce is allowed except for Association fund-raising events held by the allotment e.g. plant/ produce sales/ open days.

Paths & Boundaries *

  1. The main path adjacent to your plot and dividing paths within & between plots must be kept free of hazards and obstacles, weed free and tidy.

  2. Boundaries must be kept free of pernicious weeds which will spread into your neighbours!

  3. Boundary fences between plots & adjacent to the main path must be kept in a good state or repair. Hedges must be kept trimmed and clear of paths. * See separate structures policy.

Sheds *

  1. Plot sheds are the property of the Association. They must be kept in a good state of repair by the current plot-holder. They cannot be erected or demolished, wholly or partly removed from the site without approval of the committee. Other structures such as greenhouses must have committee approval and should be similarly well maintained. See separate sheet on security, health & safety. * See separate structures policy.

Permission from the Committee

is required for the following:-

  1. Erection of a shed, greenhouse or fence. * See separate structures policy.

  2. Pesticides/ Herbicides use – many are unsuitable for use around edible crops and proper care must be taken when applying to avoid damage to other plot-holders’ crops. See separate sheet on weed identification & control

  3. Tree planting – including fruit trees. Most will grow too big. Plot-holders must check the suitability/ root stock of a tree to be planted with the committee.

  4. Bees – consent to keep bees is required from the committee and adjoining plot-holders

General conduct

  1. Plot-holders are expected to conduct themselves at all times in a civil and reasonable manner towards other plot-holders, council officials & contractors.

  2. If any plot-holder has cause to complain about the behaviour of another plot-holder, the complaint must be put in writing to the secretary – see disputes sheet.

  3. Dogs brought onto the allotment site must be kept on a leash and not allowed to wander onto other plots. Any plotholder contravening this rule on more than 3 occasions will receive a final written warning.

Change or personal details/ circumstances

  1. Any plot-holder must inform the secretary of any change of address, contact phone number or e-mail

  2. Any plot-holder whose personal circumstances change such that they are no longer able to maintain their plot to a good standard, must inform the secretary – short term assistance may be possible.

Health & Safety

  1. All plot-holders have a duty of care to ensure that their plot, is free from hazard especially items such as sharp metal, broken glass, wood containing nails, semi-buried items. Paths within and boundary paths should be without trip hazard or obstacles.

  2. Any plot-holders bringing visitors onto the site must take due care for their safety and respect other plot-holders.

  3. Plot-holders who bring children onto the site are responsible for their safety and behaviour. Children must be supervised at all times and not allowed to trespass onto other plots.

  4. Mansewood Allotment Association cannot insure any items of personal property; such items are brought onto the site and stored at the owner’s risk.

MAA Site Rules

MAA Constitution Aug 2017-19